Becoming A Mom
Are you due in August, September, or October?
Beginning June 7th, the Clay County Health Department, in conjunction with the March of Dimes, is offering a FREE class called Becoming a Mom. To help support and prepare future moms and dads for the hardest job any human can do.
Becoming a Mom will be offered every other Tuesday Night in the Clay County Health Department Meeting Room. The group will meet from 7-8, with the first session being held from 6:00 to 8:00. Free childcare will be available, and nutritious snacks will be served.
Whether you are experiencing a pregnancy for the first time, or the fourth, each experience is different and can create new challenges and concerns. Becoming a Mom is open to both to new or experienced moms and dads, and provides them with the opportunity to develop a support network of other parents who will have children of the same age.
Becoming a Mom will be taught by Nikki Burwell, RN. Classes will address topics such as what to expect during labor and delivery, how to be successful with breastfeeding, and how to calm your baby. Guest speakers will offer a Labor and Delivery Show and Tell, Tips on Self Care During and After Pregnancy, and Tools for Identifying and Dealing with Post-Partum Depression.
All participants will receive special gifts for their participation by earning points for attending each session. The class will conclude with a baby shower for participants where they can redeem their points for gifts including, but not limited to, diapers/wipes, diaper bags, strollers and Pack n Play.
Participation in Becoming a Mom is limited to ten families. Register now by calling the Clay County Health Department at 785-632-3193 or by emailing Nurse Nikki Burwell at
Attention All Parents, Teachers, Coaches, Ministers, Youth Group Leaders, Employers and Anyone Else Who Works with Kid Ages 12 to 18:
Adolescence can be one of the most emotionally fragile times in a human’s life. Social media, bullying and transitioning from a child to an adult can be very overwhelming for our kids.
If you are a person who is in the process of parenting or working with kids at this stage of development, you are keenly aware that to be successful you need a very large bag of tricks. How do you know what is normal, "moody" pre-teen and teenage behavior and what is a real problem?
Did you know that:
10% of all youth will be diagnosed with substance abuse?
1 in 5 teens and young adults live with a mental health disorder?
50% of all mental illnesses begin by 14, and 75% by the mid-20’s?
In response to this challenge, the Clay Counts Coalition will be hosting a Youth Mental Health First Aid training on Friday, June 10th from 9:00 to 4:00 at the Prairie Land Partners Training Center.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and registration is free courtesy of the Clay Counts Coalition and the Kansas Department of Ageing and Disability Services. Further, USD #79 will be offering 6 hours of professional development credit for participation in this activity, and KDADS will endorse this training for any other professional continuing credit.
To register contact Lori Martin by May 20th at the Clay County Health Department or via email @
120 Gallons of Drugs Collected During
Clay County Drug Take Back Day
The Clay Counts Coalition, Clay County Health Department, and Clay Center Police Department say thank you to the members of our community that participated in the Drug Take Back Day held on Friday, April 29th. As a result of their active participation,120 gallons of prescription and over-the-counter drug bottles were collected.
The National Drug Take Back Day began in 2010 to provide easy, anonymous opportunities to remove medicines in the home that are highly susceptible to misuse, abuse, and theft. Clay County Health Department Director Dana Rickley shared that as folks came to bring in their medication, many expressed appreciation for this opportunity. As one community member shared, "I have had this medicine in a box ever since my mom passed, and I just didn't know what to do with it.Thank you for helping me deal with it in a safe way!"
The Clay County Health Department served as the collection site on Friday afternoon. Once collected the medications were safely disposed of using a product called DETERRA, a drug deactivation system.
When left in a medicine cabinet, thrown away or flushed, unused prescriptions can be dangerous to people, animals, or the environment. If you have old medication that needs safe disposal, you can obtain a DETERRA packet by contacting Krista Macaho at